To help answer this question, we provide the financial experience and knowledge for business valuations, including accounting, tax and dispute resolution. We are the advisor of choice in this increasingly complex area of business valuations.
Business Valuations
In almost all discussions with business owners, the question is sure to arise frequently, and rightly so; what is my business worth?
What is my company worth?
There are many reasons why a business will need a valuation; estate planning purposes, litigation support, regulatory requirements, transaction advisory or dispute resolution to name some.
We offer a wide range of asset valuation, business valuation and related to include:
- All types of business valuation
- Transactional valuations including share buybacks
- Advice on the required accounting backup and documentation in accordance with up to date accounting standards – taking care of the detailed disclosure requirements of IFRS 2/FRS 20
- Valuation of assets and businesses in shareholder disputes
- Valuations for tax reasons, e.g:
- Employee options and shares
- Market value of gifts
- Business assets in terms of goodwill
- Matrimonial proceedings valuations
- Expert witness statements for reason of litigation
- Business valuation in the interest of sale – when you need advice on business shares for commercial purposes
Corporate decision making and business valuation
The process of ascertaining liabilities and assets is becoming increasingly complex. This is where you need the expertise and knowledge of a professional.
We can guide you through the various challenging valuation issues which may arise. This will be irrespective of whether they arise from a change in ownership or because of the requirements of the regulatory environment.
A valuation report tailored to your own requirements
In the circumstance where a formal long form business valuation report is not required, we will tailor a shorter form, gleaned from reports. This will provide help for preliminary business value indications, clarification of financial issues, value provisions of a shareholder agreement, and so on.
When seeking a formal valuation, the purpose of the variation can be vast. For instance;
- Is the valuation for tax purposes or to settle a shareholder dispute?
- Is it for the purpose of divorce or whether a new buyer is being sought for the business?
Whatever the reason, the services of a knowledgeable accounting firm will be required that have thorough experience in business valuations.
The efficient and timely way in which we work, helping to free up time for your business.
Providing support and proactive advice in helping you attain your goals.
Offering our specialist understanding of the sectors within which you operate.
Up to Date
Providing crucial advice on continuously changing tax matters.